Thursday, November 24, 2005

Franciscan Vows Taken in Calgary Diocese
I was nervous, taking vows before God to begin a more intense examination of my calling. My calling to the Third Order, Society of St. Francis (TSSF). It is a religious order for laity, those who are called to be in the world, serving and loving (whether married or single or with entire families). On November 22, 2005 @ 7:30 p.m. the Eucharist service was held, with The Rev. Dean Houghton presiding, and I came forward to be admitted to the Order.
It was the next step in an eight-year journey that began with the discovery of John Michael Talbot’s The Lessons of St. Francis on a Chapters bookshelf, and last year led to an inquiry and postulancy with the Order of Ecumenical Franciscans, before transferring to finish my postulancy with the TSSF. A call to radically live out my faith, whether or not I feel like it that day, through my Rule of Life Ministry that is general enough to apply across life situations yet specific enough to constantly stretch me in my daily walk with Jesus.
For St. Francis of Assisi, my mentor and one of my guides to the Heart of God, had a simple call from the crucifix “build my church” and that is what I pray, before my service, during my service and now, that my actions will build the Kingdom not tear it down.
Third Order (or Secular) Franciscans can be found across the world, from those who work with children dying of starvation and AIDS to provide comfort all the way up to the highest households of political power (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.). It is a life of simplicity, humility, Joy and as St. Paul phrased it-the greatest gift-Love. I am greatly humbled when I look out at what the Franciscan family does, silently they were among the first in New Orleans after the hurricane, without fanfare they work with the United Nations on Human Rights, almost ignored they bring much needed medical supplies to children suffering in Africa. To be a Franciscan to me, simply means answering each day of my life the simple question of, “Where Would Jesus Be?” and being there, caring, loving and serving.
-Hoody in AB


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