Monday, February 13, 2006

Good difference a day makes, coming to the alter for commune was the refresher I needed. Yes I have been leading a crazy lifestyle since the end of the election, and I think it finally caught up with me.
The cool thing was yesterday finishing up the rebuilding of my office in the basement, it's done finally (only took a few years) and completing the manuscript for my spiritual book, that I will start shopping around at month's end.
Anyways that is all for nwo, homework-homework and more projects, but I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Get my book list finalized for my mentoring internship this summer.
-Hoody in AB

Saturday, February 11, 2006

What is wrong with me? I am so blah today it isn't even funny, sure the last week I have been weary, but hey after the schedule of school-work-election that just seems normal. But today was weird is that usually writing of any kind pulls me out of a funk like this--even a term paper, only today it made me more bummed.
-Hoody in AB

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

So I took the leap--I have contacted two PhD programs about furthering my education (man that seems so freakin' weird!) oh yeah and I contacted a publisher for a book I am almost done writing (obviously if they come back interested from the Query, I will be getting that book done rather quickly).
That's about all that is happening, but I have noticed SCW's lack of writing, she really does need to post, once she solves the computer glitches.
-Hoody in AB

Friday, February 03, 2006

Prayer in Nehemiah:
Nehemiah’s major strength of a leader was that he strove not to simply be a man of prayer, but to be a continual prayer for God. It is the focus that each believer needs to bring into their spiritual walk, because regardless of where we find ourselves serving, or at whatever level, because we are called out of the world when we are in the world-we will be leaders because of our difference.
This is what Nehemiah found as in the early parts of the book he went to prayer to first beg forgiveness then be presented with his call, and how to best work it out with his current employer. Why was his calling so easily acknowledged by the king? Because of being a living prayer, Nehemiah, had a reputation for excellence, integrity and honesty that had been established.
As I worked through some of my spiritual formation materials from the Third Order of St. Francis prayer not only was just a recurring theme, but was the undercurrent put forth for a Gospel Life lived out. Foley et al use the simple question of what is prayer (p.90) of their formation book.
This is a good point to start on a prayer reflection because there are many ideas out there about what prayer is. For the minimalist prayer is simply reciting the Lord’s Prayer sans doxology as Jesus gave it to us. For others they would view something like the Lord’s Prayer as a structure to plug their own words into.
It can go beyond that simplicity as well, within my tradition there is something called the Daily Office, that the religious use at the morning and evening, structured liturgical prayers, hymns, scriptures and personal intercessions…as one Friar I discoursed with on the subject, he said simply that the Office is there to provide structure for an honouring prayer life to God and deepen a relationship. The written prayers are there for those days when all we want to do is tell God to bugger off, yet the words we are pledged to say daily bring us back into that relationship regardless where our humanity has taken us.
This is the structure seen with Nehemiah as his early prayers are those of repentance, then thanksgiving is seen and finally guidance. It makes one ponder how much of Nehemiah’s prayer life was on going, and the snippets we get throughout the book are simply those times when Nehemiah paused to speak outwardly, as the text does tend to lend itself to someone who is just picking up a conversation and continuing on with it rather than stumbling to find the words in an unfamiliar relationship done just for show.
I think that is something that goes to answer the simple question prefaced, what is prayer? It is the bedrock of any relationship: communication. That is the key that we have put prayer in a box. It is something, as the assignment said, to be done at the beginning, middle or end of a project where that statement in itself is a fallacy.
That is not what is seen throughout the Bible, what is seen is individuals who are in deep communion and relationship with God. That relationship does not happen with some fancy public prayers that we see on the page, rather it is the kind of intimacy that comes from daily walking with God, and never truly turning the conversation off.
Within this continual conversation a person will notice a transformation, for it is not only our sin that keeps us away from being in continual conversation with God, but rather the shame our actions make us think us unworthy (Bodo p.15). For in conquering this sense of unworthiness a whole new life with God will be opened up.
Unfortunately, it is like that broken record add of the 1980’s “I can’t get a job without any experience, I cannot get experience without a job.” This one would play more like, I can’t get past my shame without talking to God, I can’t talk to God because of my shame. So it does take courage, and the first step of courage is becoming a person of prayer.
A person of prayer is someone who is quite verbal with God, and it is where all Christians start, dump your day on God, and move on. Some stall there, some move beyond. The trick is that moving beyond God being just your emotional dumping ground and open yourself up to listening to God which can lead to big changes in your life that you may not like. For Nehemiah it meant leaving a fairly easy life of being the cup bearer to the King to go back to a decimate land and not only physically rebuilding the area, but spiritually rebuilding the people.
I think if Nehemiah was not walking in a joint relationship with God, this is a call he could have easily ignored or even ran away from. But that is what happens when you open yourself up through continual prayer to the experience of God in your life.
John Michael Talbot used the metaphor of marriage to describe the relationship that one builds through prayer, as it becomes a mystical union between you and God (p.226), two become one, and the only way to know and live the love of God is to be a living prayer (Talbot p. 226).
So what does this idea of a living prayer mean?
The example my readings provided was St. Francis of Assisi, someone who did not take many times of long contemplation with God, but was rather out in the world living the Gospel, in his actions was his evangelism, in his actions were his prayers.
How many of us when someone cuts us off during rush hour or get bumped on the c-train, can say that out actions there are a prayerful response? Writing a paper for a class or even a letter to a friend? Are these actions prayers?
If your relationship with God has been brought to this level as demonstrated in Nehemiah, and the life of the poor man of Assisi, it is like a Biblical marriage where two become one and all your actions become prayer.
So the question of whether or not your endeavours are seen as needing prayer at the beginning, middle or end becomes irrelevant and the new question emerges as a leader of God’s people when do they need your prayers to be vocalized to reinvigorate them if they are not yet at this point in their journey.
With that question, it goes to the idea of disciple making as a leader needs to help each follower learn to grow closer with God in authentic relationship of prayer that will make them each a living prayer of God.
It is also important to realize what kind of prayers you bring forward publicly; there is an idea that public prayers still need to be positive. Yet in the midst of God’s work what could be needed for the people is not an uplifting prayer or a prayer petitioning God to bless, but it could be a time when you need to turn to God with the community and go, “Dad we admit it, we screwed up, we are sorry.”
The prayer life the leader models with their public prayers needs to be one of balance where all styles of prayer are used so people can begin to understand that God is not someone you turn to just with the junk of life, the pain, but also with the joy and the celebrations of life.
Yes God knows all this stuff, but the relationship is still built upon communication and where communication is lacking there is no relationship but two entities co-existing in the world. Prayer life is not about co-existing with God, a living prayer is about God’s love filling you and you walking day by day in that love.
-Hoody in AB

Thursday, February 02, 2006

A call to teach? Bible College? -shudder-okay I have applied, and I am praying about teaching some spiritual formation courses for bible college students, but it is so weird I wouldn't say my Bible College experience was completley negative, but I do have a bit more curiousity of the world around me as SCW can attest than the average student I encountered.
-Hoody in AB

Saturday, January 28, 2006

My personal rule talks of me being a voice for the voiceless. It is a simple line to attempt to describe a life long call God has placed on my heart throughout my journeys. From a high school student standing up against hatred in my community, to a writer who battled governments to protect the arts, to a simple letter writer for Amnesty International to a street pastor petitioning the provincial government of Alberta not to close a desperately needed homeless shelter that was seeing God’s miracles pour out.
It was these actions that led to this line being written in my rule, and becoming more active within my country of birth speaking out to protect the social programs church leaders helped to build (social services, disability, public health care). It culminated on January 23, 2006 when Canada held a Federal Election; after eight weeks of an official campaign that I participated in as a candidate.
My nomination was secured with Canada’s New Democratic Party on May 5, 2005 and my campaign began minutes after. Some would say why would I take this step as a youth pastor, and a member of the Third Order, Society of St. Francis, there was other ways. For me it was a unique way to reach out to the community I live in and get down past the surface issues and to raise awareness across a city about the amazing agencies, organizations and people that are trying to stop the bleeding of the pain of poverty and devastation we are wrecking on our ecology.
As a candidate door knocking I found what was needed was a listening ear, and someone willing to help direct people to the parts of government they could talk to, in some cases someone to act as advocate to those government or non-profit agencies on behalf of the person. The most shocking thing that I found after listening to individuals that said having a strong faith would hamper you in public life is how many people were comforted when I said I would pray for them. After speaking those words as well, how many people asked for me to simply pray with them there on their doorstep, or after a debate, or at a bus stop.
Campaigning for a political party, as one with strong beliefs and principles is hard, because it is not simply yourself being put forward, you have to support a platform. I look at the core values of the institution and decide if they fit within the context of my rule of ministry, for I have found at least in the Canadian Parliamentary system specific policy points become harder to impose even if your party achieves power because you are always succeeding a previous government, and there is where the economy is dealing with. I found it easier to be able to step away from the platform and open up a dialogue with the people of my community, as I took a pastoral outlook and realized winning was irrelevant, this unique calling for this season (eight months) had given me the opportunity to reach out to those that were hurting and in pain, those that may never darken the doorways of a church or know where to go for help.
There was also the winter election conundrum as traditionally during an election the candidate does massive fundraising for their campaign to be able to purchase signs (which are once used and then disposed of to landfills never to decompose) and brochures and goes around in thousand dollar suits making promises they cannot keep.
My message was simple: I will listen and try to make things better, for I have hope that a better world is possible for us all. My attire was simpler, blue jeans and a hoody, as a youth pastor, not a politician; I did not feel comfortable in the trappings of the office. Finally when it came to fundraising I looked out at the hurting and those in need, saw and toured many organizations that helped children with developmental disabilities, abused seniors, and the homeless that I knew I could not be as selfish as to ask for money for a campaign-rather I took the initiative of disseminating the information for people to direct the donations they would have sent to me to these amazing non-profits that were producing miracles for God’s children.
When it was all over, and the votes were tallied I was third of five on the ballot and just felt a peace. Why you ask? Since some would say I failed my calling by losing. I felt a peace because I was proud of the hard work of my volunteers, I was amazed at how even with donor burnout we managed to get agencies monies they otherwise would not have received this season and that I had always spoken from my heart and held to my beliefs…the best and most humbling part was the Wednesday night after election day being able to face the youth I minister to and let them know that yes when I say one person called by God can make a positive impact no matter where they are called-it is true.
Why did I run? To give a voice to the voiceless and inspire a new generation to take up the reigns of care for creation and community leadership, winning or losing was irrelevant in this special calling from God.

-Hoody in AB

Monday, January 23, 2006

Yes it was a rather weird occurance today to go into a voting booth in Canada and mark an "X" beside my own name to be the Member of Parliament for my community.
Yes just another unique adventure in attempting to save the world.
-Hoody in AB