Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Political Parties are a tool. Yes it is true, they are instruments designed to be used by people as vehicles for ideas, to run countries and provinces and in essence make society better. They are a core set of beliefs that bring a group of people together, it is the people that are elected to government that represent the people.
Unfortunately there seems to be a strong movement over the last 10 years where the party matters mroe than the individual member or even those they are elected to serve.
Canada is in the middle of a general election for our Federal Government, this election I urge my fellow Canadians, break the cycle! Let Parliamentarians know that YOU matter, and demand to be represented by your Member of Parliament. Tell the candidates that you will hold them accountable and when they go against the wishes of the people to stand beside the party whip and vote as dictated to there will be repercussions. For too long we have had Parties not people matter in our government, and it is tiresome. The party is a tool to be used to help people, NOT SUPRESS THEM AS IT IS BEING USED TO DO NOW.
-Hoody in AB


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