Saturday, January 28, 2006

My personal rule talks of me being a voice for the voiceless. It is a simple line to attempt to describe a life long call God has placed on my heart throughout my journeys. From a high school student standing up against hatred in my community, to a writer who battled governments to protect the arts, to a simple letter writer for Amnesty International to a street pastor petitioning the provincial government of Alberta not to close a desperately needed homeless shelter that was seeing God’s miracles pour out.
It was these actions that led to this line being written in my rule, and becoming more active within my country of birth speaking out to protect the social programs church leaders helped to build (social services, disability, public health care). It culminated on January 23, 2006 when Canada held a Federal Election; after eight weeks of an official campaign that I participated in as a candidate.
My nomination was secured with Canada’s New Democratic Party on May 5, 2005 and my campaign began minutes after. Some would say why would I take this step as a youth pastor, and a member of the Third Order, Society of St. Francis, there was other ways. For me it was a unique way to reach out to the community I live in and get down past the surface issues and to raise awareness across a city about the amazing agencies, organizations and people that are trying to stop the bleeding of the pain of poverty and devastation we are wrecking on our ecology.
As a candidate door knocking I found what was needed was a listening ear, and someone willing to help direct people to the parts of government they could talk to, in some cases someone to act as advocate to those government or non-profit agencies on behalf of the person. The most shocking thing that I found after listening to individuals that said having a strong faith would hamper you in public life is how many people were comforted when I said I would pray for them. After speaking those words as well, how many people asked for me to simply pray with them there on their doorstep, or after a debate, or at a bus stop.
Campaigning for a political party, as one with strong beliefs and principles is hard, because it is not simply yourself being put forward, you have to support a platform. I look at the core values of the institution and decide if they fit within the context of my rule of ministry, for I have found at least in the Canadian Parliamentary system specific policy points become harder to impose even if your party achieves power because you are always succeeding a previous government, and there is where the economy is dealing with. I found it easier to be able to step away from the platform and open up a dialogue with the people of my community, as I took a pastoral outlook and realized winning was irrelevant, this unique calling for this season (eight months) had given me the opportunity to reach out to those that were hurting and in pain, those that may never darken the doorways of a church or know where to go for help.
There was also the winter election conundrum as traditionally during an election the candidate does massive fundraising for their campaign to be able to purchase signs (which are once used and then disposed of to landfills never to decompose) and brochures and goes around in thousand dollar suits making promises they cannot keep.
My message was simple: I will listen and try to make things better, for I have hope that a better world is possible for us all. My attire was simpler, blue jeans and a hoody, as a youth pastor, not a politician; I did not feel comfortable in the trappings of the office. Finally when it came to fundraising I looked out at the hurting and those in need, saw and toured many organizations that helped children with developmental disabilities, abused seniors, and the homeless that I knew I could not be as selfish as to ask for money for a campaign-rather I took the initiative of disseminating the information for people to direct the donations they would have sent to me to these amazing non-profits that were producing miracles for God’s children.
When it was all over, and the votes were tallied I was third of five on the ballot and just felt a peace. Why you ask? Since some would say I failed my calling by losing. I felt a peace because I was proud of the hard work of my volunteers, I was amazed at how even with donor burnout we managed to get agencies monies they otherwise would not have received this season and that I had always spoken from my heart and held to my beliefs…the best and most humbling part was the Wednesday night after election day being able to face the youth I minister to and let them know that yes when I say one person called by God can make a positive impact no matter where they are called-it is true.
Why did I run? To give a voice to the voiceless and inspire a new generation to take up the reigns of care for creation and community leadership, winning or losing was irrelevant in this special calling from God.

-Hoody in AB

Monday, January 23, 2006

Yes it was a rather weird occurance today to go into a voting booth in Canada and mark an "X" beside my own name to be the Member of Parliament for my community.
Yes just another unique adventure in attempting to save the world.
-Hoody in AB

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Political Parties are a tool. Yes it is true, they are instruments designed to be used by people as vehicles for ideas, to run countries and provinces and in essence make society better. They are a core set of beliefs that bring a group of people together, it is the people that are elected to government that represent the people.
Unfortunately there seems to be a strong movement over the last 10 years where the party matters mroe than the individual member or even those they are elected to serve.
Canada is in the middle of a general election for our Federal Government, this election I urge my fellow Canadians, break the cycle! Let Parliamentarians know that YOU matter, and demand to be represented by your Member of Parliament. Tell the candidates that you will hold them accountable and when they go against the wishes of the people to stand beside the party whip and vote as dictated to there will be repercussions. For too long we have had Parties not people matter in our government, and it is tiresome. The party is a tool to be used to help people, NOT SUPRESS THEM AS IT IS BEING USED TO DO NOW.
-Hoody in AB

Monday, January 16, 2006

Paul's Personal Mission Statemtent - Oz Hillman

I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead. Philippians 3:10-11

We hear a lot these days about planning and goal setting. Proponents of planning say, "If you aim at nothing, chances are you will probably hit it." They say that to wander aimlessly through life is like sailing a boat without a sail and rudder. You end up wherever the wind takes you.

Paul understood his personal mission, which should be the personal mission of every believer in Jesus Christ. It is the one summary statement that best describes the purpose of our existence on earth and the goal of our Christian experience. It can be reduced to three important characteristics.

1. To know Christ. 2. To know and experience His power. 3. To identify with His sufferings.

All that flows from these three objectives becomes a by-product. Salvation is a by-product. Miracles are a by-product. Christlikeness is a by-product. Paul's focus was on relationship. He understood that the deeper the relationship, the more power he would experience. He also understood that as he grew in this relationship, there would be suffering. Whenever the Kingdom of Light confronts the kingdom of darkness, there is a battle, and this often results in casualties. Christ confronted these earthly kingdoms and suffered for it. If we are living at this level of obedience, we, too, will face similar battles; it simply comes with the territory.

Does this sound like your personal mission statement? Is your focus in life centered on knowing Christ and the power of His resurrection? If not, press into Him today in order to begin experiencing Christ more intimately.

SCW's Comments:
Hoody's life is hectic right now so I'm trying to help out by posting more. I like Hillman's idea of a personal mission statement. It reminds me of Hoody's rule of life. But I'd like to add a fourth characteristic: the desire to live the gospel out (yes Hoody's been influencing me, chuckle). I know Hillman was considering this to be a by-product but I know many Christians that have a amazing head knowledge of Christ and the Bible but can't apply how they are going to live it in their lives, even have met some that have no desire to do so. And write out specifically what exactly you plan to do in your life to know Christ, to know and experience his power, to identify with his suffering, and to live as He lived. Going to have to see if Hoody has posted his rule of life to our blog and if not get him to do so.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

I want passionate feelings to characterize my relationship with the Lord Jesus. Of course, I want to be perfectly obedient to the Lord, but I want the obedience to spring out of a passionate love for him. I want to obey Jesus not simply out of discipline of duty, or because of some reward or fear of punishment. I want to serve Him simply for the joy of being able to please the one I love so much. If discipline is what ultimately drives us in our pursuit of Jesus, eventually we will give up that pursuit. But a man in love, or a woman in love will never quit. ... I want my life to be characterized by an unrestrained affection for the Son of God - Jack Deere

Couldn't of said it better myself ;D - scw in az

Friday, January 13, 2006

Back at life, school is picking up busyness and that is only after having 2 of my 5 classes, could this plan to condense my M.A. be sheer madness? (lol) guess I will find out.
We have an election happening in Canada, and it takes a lot of time as we head towards vote day on January 23, I will be taking part in a debate tomorrow, was at a meet an greet at the local university today.
Whew! Submitted my last issue as editor of my party's newspaper today, which was cool, cause I have a lot of other projects on the go.
-Hoody in AB

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Wow has it really been a week since the last post, things have been busy since coming back up north, getting into the swing of things getting the ministries rolling again, and yes it is official as of today I am back in classes (groan)...but only eight months to go before all of this is done! Toast even!! Yeah!!!!
Which'll be good because it will expand areas I can serve in (or so goes the theory). The downside is that I will still have to wait till April 2007 to graduate.
-Hoody in AB

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

yes SCW is the first to post, but you'd think she'd put up the decent pic that was taken of us at the christmas get the adventuring is done for a bit, now starts the saving anew, as I already missed her with the one last squeeze of the hands at the airport...I do believe as well that I created a bit of a culture shock...with my talk of not liking guns, and members of SCW's church family trying to figure out what a Franciscan was an awesome time of adventures that I wish never had to end...
-Hoody in AB

(Tsk, Tsk. Impatient isn't he {lol} - SCW)

Monday, January 02, 2006

(hee, hee, hee) I'm the first to post on how our visit went. :D Hoody's plane should be leaving soon. The whole have to be there 2 hours before your flight is a big bummer. It wasted time we could've spent together. :( The visit went fast. It seemed like I had just picked him up at the airport. But it was awesome. We had such a blast! We ate Mexican food, Chinese food, Italian food, junk food, Denny's food (chuckle) We went to a used bookstore here called Bookman's and between the two of us, spent $75 in credit. We got to see the new Narnia movie. It was amazing! Made both of us want to read the series again. Also went to see The Legend of Zorro which was fun. He got to go to church with me, hear my dad preach, meet my youth group, and got to my church's candle light service. My family held off our Christmas so that he could have Christmas with us. We had a Sat. morning cartoon day where we ate chocolate lucky charms and watched cartoons from when we were kids. The best part of the trip is Hoody proposed to me Wednesday, Dec 28. It's official we're engaged! :D Well I better leave something for Hoody to post. ;D Hope everyone had a Wonderful Christmas and New Year! Be Blessed - SCW