Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Freedom in Christ Ministries

I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, putting me into service (1 Timothy 1:12).

When D.L. Moody found his life in Christ, he looked for some opportunities to teach at a church, but no one wanted to use the uneducated man. He started his own Bible study in a shoe store, and it wasn't long before kids were coming out of the woodwork. People couldn't help but notice him because he was bearing fruit, and few have left such an imprint as his upon the world.

Paul said, "I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, putting me into service" (1 Timothy 1:12). Show yourself faithful by exploiting the opportunities around you. The needs of people are everywhere so what are you waiting for?

A man in my church often expressed his frustration with his job. For 20 years he'd been working as a construction worker and he hated it! Frustrated with his career, he wondered why God wouldn't call him out of it.

I asked him if he had ever expressed dissatisfaction about his job with his fellow employees who weren't Christians. He said, "Oh, sure. I complain right along with the rest of them."

I continued, "What do you suppose that does to your witness?" He was a little startled by my question. I added, "Do you realize that God has you exactly where He wants you? When you assume your responsibility to be the person

God wants you to be as a construction worker, He may open a new door for you."

The Holy Spirit must have brought conviction because this man became a missionary at work. He displayed concern for the needs of his coworkers and their families and soon had a series of witnessing experiences to share. Within six months an opportunity arose and he left construction work. And all because he started to bloom where he was planted.

Heavenly Father, help me see the needs of my coworkers, friends and family, and enable me to be Your ambassador to them.

SCW's Thoughts: Isn't that so true. I love the phrase bloom where you're planted. Maybe because I'm the daughter of an extraordinary gardener. (chuckle) Anyway, this reminds me of a similar experience a friend of mine had. About oh a year after she was saved she felt God's calling to be a missionary. She was absolutely positive that meant in weeks or months God would give her the opportunity to go to Africa, South America, or some place like that. Even sold her house so she could be ready. Time passed and still nothing. Getting frustrated she brought it up to someone and the person suggested that maybe God was calling her to be a missionary right here, at her job perhaps. So my friend prayed about it, asking God to open opportunities to her if that was true. Chances began presenting themselves right and left at her job and several of her co-workers were either saved or their faith grew because of God using my friend. Then the company she worked for was being bought out, and they were laying off people daily. Figuring it was only a matter of time until she was laid off, my friend thought this is it, God was finally going to call her to be a missionary in another country. But God still has work for her where she is at. She was one of the few that didn't get laid off and transferred over to the new company. It's like Neil Anderson said above, "Show yourself faithful by exploiting the opportunities around you. The needs of people are everywhere so what are you waiting for?" What kind of a witness are you at school, at work, while chatting on the Internet, when you’re around your friends and family, when you go grocery shopping or eat at a restaurant? The smallest thing can have a huge eternal impact for another if you are faithful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Percisely, what is God calling you to do in the hear and now that uses your passions...there is one person I know that has weekly garage sales to do ministry to the poor, all money made each day goes to a different shelter.

10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You bet! It's amazing the money you can raise from a garage sale. (lol) My previous church, had an annual one. We'd all rummage through closets and sheds looking for things to donate. They would always make at least over $1000, many times much more than that. If I remember correctly the money went to the food baskets we would passout to family's in need around the neighborhood.

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I've always told churches if you do the garage sale for another charity you raise more! but also get people realizing it's about more than just your congregation.

12:29 PM  

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