Thursday, November 03, 2005

For the Conservation of Natural Resources
Almighty God, in giving us dominion over things on earth, you made us fellow workers in your creation: Give us wisdom and reverence so to use the resources of nature, that no one may suffer from our abuse of them, and that generations yet to come may continue to praise you for your bounty; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

reflect on this prayer from the daily many people are kept out of fellowship at local churches not because they do not have a love of Christ, but because of environmental factors that the perfumes and incenses, scented candles we use can trigger and cause in extreme cases death...what does care for creation and bringing all to Christ mean in context of the local church?
Does your church recycle?
Is your church scent free if needed?
Does your church serve coffee that is ethically made? (i.e. Fair Trade, the money made by those farmers goes directly back into their communities to help build schools and hospitals).
Does a good chunk of the offeratory monies go to charities and other organizations locally and internationally that helps those in need?
Are we training up and discipling our leaders, teachers, prophets and preachers?
Are we teaching our children and youth about giving and service?
Are the adults leading the way, or are the children and youth ministries doing it in isolation?
The list can go on and on, and I would love to hear other people's ideas on the topic of care, and what the local church can do...I am not saying every church needs to do everything, but the attempts should be made where our churches' are a beacon of light not only in the neighbourhood we exist but also the community, for it only takes a little to make a huge impact!!!
-Hoody in AB


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"but the attempts should be made where our churches' are a beacon of light not only in the neighbourhood we exist but also the community, for it only takes a little to make a huge impact!!!" Amen! I totally agree. hmmmm.... How to put this: If the church is there for the members we've missed the point. Not that I'm saying we shouldn't minister to those inside but a mentality I saw in my church over the summer when we'd do special events was, "Well we're doing this for us" and there was no outreach involved. Events at the church are such an opportunity for outreach even if only one new person comes. So my family began using them for outreach and I noticed others in the church have started doing the same, especially our youth group. Three of our youth brought friends to our last potluck/singsperation and one of their friends even participated in the singsperation. It only takes a little to make an impact in your church as well. Live your life for Christ and others will follow.

4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:56 PM  

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