Monday, October 17, 2005

A bit more info on my Order. It was kinda cool, the head of formation for the TSSF got into contact with me today to explain some things, for this flare of Franciscanism (I am transferring from the OEF, and have done some formation stuff unofficially with Catholic resources)...
1) We are not monks--in name atleast, what would be classed as traditional monks are known as friars...Conscious choice of Francis when he started the order.
2) The TSSF does not use habits or other titles for their Third Order Members, we are given a cross at profession that marks us as do our actions and lives.
3) Uniquely one does not become a member until they become a noviate otherwise the inquiry and postulancy are still the decision making phases.
It was unique and since others have posted queries I thought I would hopefully do expounding this knowledge some justice.
So am I a monk, no I am a Franciscan.
-Hoody in AB


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