Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Just an observation, has anyone else noticed this?

That we can pretty much go anywhere's in the world with our debit cards and bang--our bank account is accessible, yet you go across the street on a referal from your doctor (regardless of the style of health care) and you need to start from ground zero with the new office?
Kinda weird isn't it?
-Hoody in AB

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

In the hallowed halls of Canada's parliament today, a site not usually seen at a Governor General's inauguration: Hand clapping, swaying and dancing to Charismatic-Haitian gospel music.
Love her or hate her it is now official Michaelle Jean, the possible seperatist, who talks federalism and renounced her french citizenship is now Canada's Governor General...for the next five years, and what a party it looked like!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

There is an ideal of pacifism at all costs within the party, but it is not the only camp of thought on this issue. That is what I love about the rich history found within grassroots political movements of all stripes are the diversity of thought and belief.
Within the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation, pre-cursor of the NDP, it was best show in the House of Commons on a historic vote in 1939 for Canada to enter World War II.
Then leader J.S. Woodsworth was a staunch pacifist believing all war was evil and a machine of the capitalist economic system used to oppress the masses. He stood as the only Member of Parliament that day to vote against going to war with Nazi Germany.
Tommy Douglas had visited Nazi Germany and saw the horror about to be released on the globe, and made a decision to be an informed pacifist; he stood up and voted for war against Nazi Germany.
Is either one less a pacifist? No. The lesson is that within our party we have always had healthy debate and dialogue on issues and complete agreement was never a necessity…the party survived and still does to this day with the two streams of pacifism co-existing, Complete Pacifists and Informed Pacifists.

Public health care is the only system that makes any sense, from a very capitalistic point of view; it is the cheapest and provides the highest return on the investment (corporate side of Ty says). From my faith perspective I am to love my neighbour as Jesus loved me, it means when one is suffering you heal-health care by need not bank account size.
But we all have to realize that public health care was not created for the type of medicinal advances we have seen since Premier T.C. Douglas stood up to the doctors. Back then life expectancy wasn’t creeping past 80 years of age. Back then someone over 100 years old was unheard of. There was no concept of different types of death (biological or clinical?). No concept that organs would be transplanted, or that life could be extended by tubes keeping the body alive long past the time of passing on to the next adventure. There was no concept that multiple organs transplants or stem cells would become a reality or the possibility of creating a baby in a petri dish.
The realization is that we can now keep the human body alive, long after it should have been dead. As a race we have gone from asking the should questions, to just asking could we and then following through and doing. This now brings Canadian Health Care to a place no Canadian Politician wants to be, it was a place the Romanow report refused to go, but I believe needs to be explored for true pure public health care to return. The tough questions that need to be opened for public debate:
1) Should passive/active euthanasia be legalized? If so what does this mean for the hypocratic oath? How much control does a human being have over their own timing of death? What safeguards need to be in place if this is a route that is taken?
2) How many organ transplants is one person allowed? If one person gets four organ transplants that mean there is three people that did not receive them? Now this is a question that can almost be white washed if we use the standard senior citizen example of a full life, but what if the kidney or heart transplant is for a child? And the first does not take, so they need a second, do we refuse to attempt to save another life?
3) With treatments for life threatening diseases (i.e. cancer) how many relapses are allowed that we continue to try and prolong the life through treatment while creating a wait list for other individuals?
4) How long is acceptable to keep a human being alive by life support and feeding tubes before they can legally be declared dead? When is the line crossed from clinical or biological to just—dead? Should these methods we have be used to indefinitely keep someone alive?
Some may think at this point that I sound like a callous young man. The religious and non-religious alike depending on what part of this article they zeroed in on are angry with me. That is why these are taboo questions at the political debate of health care. Instead of tackling the hard questions, the governments of Alberta and Canada continue to play with funding numbers to create the crisis in health care. Instead of showing true leadership and opening up the debate of these questions Iris Evans (AB Health Minister) investigates private insurance, Premier Ralph Klein vetos it and says NO to private insurance; while Ms. Evans says that both her and the Premier are on the same page? Whose page are they on? Because taking their statements at face value it seems they are not even in the same hymnal never mind the same page.
Health Care is a hard subject when one is allowed to play politics with it. Whether the issue is funding or how long ethically a human life should be prolonged, it comes down to one thing for this monk…Loving one another….and what that means for us as a society.

America's Shock.
So I am realizing there is something that is universal--an ignorance of the poor and less fortunate are ignored. What is concentrated on is the wealthy, while those struggling to get by or not even getting by are left out in the cold or heat or in this case Hurricane Katrina or Rita.
There seems to be shock that so many Americans in the Hurricanes path are poor up to 25% under the poverty line in some areas.
And that does not even take into account those that are at the poverty line.
How many others in Canada also suffer like this?
With no one willing to be their voice?
-Hoody in AB

Monday, September 19, 2005

Writing a book, SCW thinks it's are some excerpts:
I would tell you that you were nuts. That’s right I still cannot believe where I have wound up in life. Anyone who knew me growing up would be thinking the same and laughing hysterically along with me. Honestly, a monk—me?? A MONK!! (And it’s a four-letter word even). I will admit it gets a bit confusing here, so let’s back up and I’ll try to explain how this all happened. (from the Preamble)
Instruments of peace are a unique prayer coming from someone with my background. It is a hard thing to want to pray for…I am a pacifist by training, not by nature. Growing up due to bullying and seeing injustice in the world I tried to solve the problem with my fists.
After over three thousand fights only ever losing due to fighting multiples at once (i.e. five on one, ten on one, being tossed through a plate glass window when I was at a writer’s retreat in Banff). But did it really ever solve anything?
In Matthew 5:9 Jesus makes a promise, that blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called Children of God. It is many verses like this one; I believe helped St. Francis of Assisi who was a warrior (he grew up wanting to be a knight) and the realization that battles are not won or lost at the point of a sword, or in my case the end of a fist, but rather in the heart of the individual with the hand made into a fist or holding the sword (gun for us). (From Make me an Instrument of your Peace).
Hate that would lead a pastor to try and beat his homosexual son straight.
Hatred that in Rwanda killed close to a million. Ended over thirteen million people’s lives in Nazi Germany. How many died under Stalin? How many have lost their lives in the last fifty years of Chinese occupation of Tibet?Millions of people have died because of hatred. Are human beings inherently evil? I do not believe so, because even though we are fallen, we are still made in the image of God…for us to be inherently evil would then mean that God’s image has inherent evil within it.
What hatred can do though are lead humans to evil actions as noted above. Think of the faith and Christ’s passion. It is an act of hatred. (From Where there is Hatred)
Sowing love begins with a simple assertion for us all, that are actions breed consequences, loving a person does not stop them being responsible for their actions. It is the greatest gift given us by God—Love. The true embodiment of the Law and Christ.
Do not believe so? Think of the cross; Jesus’ words after being tortured, humiliated and mocked: Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do. Forgive us? Again Christ showing us the way to treat those who do harm or wrong to us: Love them.
But what is love? (Sow Love)
Or did we injure? The sad story of the church, regardless of tradition is that like we treated Christ when he walked this earth, we treat the least of these[1]; with injury, and thus treat Christ like wise.
Take a moment and scribble on a piece of paper your reaction to someone you saw who was sick? Or the young person panhandling? The tweaking crack addict on the corner? The criminal in the newspaper headlines?
What were your responses to these people?
Pity. Revulsion. Hatred. Replace each of the above questions, with a simple name: Jesus the sick; Jesus the drunk; Jesus the criminal…for with each response, we have shown our true feelings to our saviour.
[1] Matthew 25:40 (From Where there is Injury)
To be sinned against is grievance because it means that someone has done something to shatter your relationship. Sin goes back to the original sin in the garden, so called not for its creativity (Genesis 3) c’mon? It was eating a fruit? But rather because it shattered the relationship that God intended between Him and his creation, that of parent and child. But what a parent and child relationship was meant to be, not what the fall contorted it into where incest and abuse can reign, but a relationship of unconditional love and raising the child up to follow the call on their heart to follow God.
But are we willing to step out in trust that if we forgive those who have hurt us? That they are still held accountable, yet our own lives are made more Godly. Or to be most blunt, most like Christ.
(From Sow Pardon)

Saturday, September 17, 2005

So Iris Evans, Alberta's Health Minister says she and Premier Klein are on the same page concerning health care. Well last week she was exploring private insurance for health care, and Klein said no...hmmm...Does that mean the Premier is hiding something?
-Hoody in AB

Friday, September 16, 2005

Okay it has been a while since posting, but things have been crazy in Canada. My seminary computer decided that my Masters degree no longer existed and that was the happy part of the week. then the usual back to school fun of sorting out assignments, and time schedules so that I can spend time chatting with SCW and get everything else done.
But the cool thing is that I actually am trucking through my Franciscan Prayer Book quite well, I'm writing it.
Will write more when I get some time.
-Hoody in AB

Monday, September 12, 2005

What does perfect Joy mean, in Michael Meeghan’s All Will be Well he introduces us to a saint, Paul, a wonderful man that serves in prisons in Africa, caring for the children.
saint Paul passed away from Alzheimer’s disease, his only comment about the disease ravaging his mind was “It is wonderful Michael, I can read my favourite books, and by the time I reach the end I have forgotten so I can read it again. Every day I rediscover everything again.”
What is perfect Joy?

Chapter 3-Read the Chapter completely before beginning

Opening quote of Francis--reflect on this--share your experience with struggles with the enemy, do you agree with Francis, why or why not?

Reflect on the poverty seen in the Nativity story--where was the source of Joy? Is it possible to do this as believers?

p.39 "Sometimes this most holy man was out of his mind for God in a wonderful manner." explain what this statement means to you.

Do you think it is possible to suffer giddy joy and jarring grief simultaneously? How so? How not so?

p.40 What things in your life steal your joy?

p.43 Can you think of times in Christ's walk that fit this statement of Francis- Francs was at peace in his utter loyatly to God and he felta heavenly joy in his heart which showed in his face, even in the midst of tears." any examples from your own journey you feel like sharing?

p.45 "Many are keen on remaking God in their own image" when historically has the church done this? Your community of believers? Yourself?

p.45 Jesus "Thou shalt not be overcome" what does this quote mean to you in your journey and ministry?

p.46 Historically christians have retreated to the Desert to not only meet God, but face the Devil as Jesus did in Matthew 4 (read the temptation story). St. Anthony, a follower of Francis did this and served the homeless children. Francis was big on spiritual warfare and what it meant to face Satan...Where do your temptations come from? When are your desert moments?

p. 47 Reflect on the Beatitudes in light of Talbot's writings on them, agree/disagree with his assertion, your thoughts?

p.49 Talbot's defintion of Original Sin. Reflect on Genesis 1-3. What do you see about the true root cause of the sin condition to be overcome?

p.49-50 the italicized quote of St. John Bosco--reflect and chat about it.

p.51-53 Cultivate Joy section--work through each and write a reflection on each section, an I pledge in my own life God...

p.53 say this prayer at the end, as part of your daily is it helping your walk?

That is all for Joy this week, next week (Friday) will be released the Ch. 4 Solitutde
-Hoody in AB

Another challenge of distance is like yesterday where I was having a down day, and usually the signifigant other can "kidnap" the person feeling down for a day of fun---sigh--unfortunately there is a boarder and a few states for that to happen.
But it does present some good things, such as you do get to know more about the person because you do have to talk.
-Hoody in AB

Friday, September 09, 2005

So I finally got my new formation materials from the TSSF, it is great, like a kid in a candy shoppe if you will with all these new theological things I get to work through and twist my mind around.
It was the great week from Hell at Seminary with schedule snafus and such, but everything has mellowed out nicely and am on track to have an eventful year.
-Hoody in AB

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Activism and the Church
We are afraid your theology of social action would create friction within our congregation and wonder if you are a Christian due to your activist activities with the New Democratic Party and Amnesty International.
I have received close to a hundred of statements such as this from churches I have applied to serve in paid ministry with over the last several months. Now given the view people have of the NDP I was expecting to catch flack for that one…but c’mon knocking Amnesty International?? That is a bit low.
Do I hate the church for this? No, all the Grit and Tory followers will someday be redeemed (joke, put down the pitchforks). It does amaze me though that the church celebrates diversity in all but our politics. It seems each denomination has started to create its niche party that members should vote for or belong to, to be declared “Christian” in our eyes.
That is a crock…there is no definitive Christian Party (okay, although it is funny that Canada has The Christian Heritage Party). Now all my Conservative friends take a deep breath, you do not win by default. Each party in Canada has a historical tie to Christianity; my party was founded by a pastor…Go figure. I went back through the founding documents and read about things like equality and everyone being helped, sharing of resources…rather eerie resemblance to another text I read.
Now I am a bit off when it comes to church attendance. I usually glide into the back row pew of the church I attend, help out where I can, but every so often I am not there. Why?? Because I am off, saving the world as my youth once dubbed it. I have marched for Gay Rights (even wrote a column in high school in support of same-sex marriage, not the thing to do in Alberta, and fought the Klein government in another column on pulling the plug on our theatre due to a play the disagreed with). I have tackled the civic government to stop the Neo-Nazi party moving to Calgary, tried to help the underdog, wrote letters petitioning the release of the falsely imprisoned and was one of the voices slamming Calgary’s mayor for white hatting the Chinese leader in response to the atrocities in Quebec. Which interesting Belinda Stronach, Conservative Trade Critic, announced that Conservative Trade Policy in regards to China would be a deeper integration regardless of the genocide and forced sterilizations happening in Tibet?
I have watched friends die of AIDS, Cancer and Emphysema while the Klein Government talks of privatizing health care and taking away a right to medical treatment for those who cannot afford it. I hear great joy in the upcoming generations voice of tax breaks, but at what cost?? Canada has more children going to school hungry than a wealthy nation should allow; working class parents literally have to make the choice between paying the rent, keeping the lights on or feeding the kids. My family is a prime example; we went from Middle Class to working class in the richest province in the country over night due to “user fees”.
The same governments that brought in the ethic of debt reduction politics have removed the rights of people on welfare to work to supplement their incomes, build up self-esteem and reintegrate to the workforce. Stopped building affordable housing because the homeless shelters and church basements are good enough for men, women and children in the winter, and there are always parks in the summer if the shelters are full. We give money to the extremely mentally and physically challenged, just enough to keep them living under the poverty line and close facilities to help those with mental illness cause the streets are a much better place for them to live and die. We turn a blind eye when sex trade workers vanish, and fake tears when they turn up dead forgetting at some point they were someone’s son or daughter, terrible shame they died that way.
The whole time we walk down the street wearing our name brand clothing bought cheap at Wal-Mart or the Gap while children in the two-thirds world slave away in hellish 17-24 hours workday and are fired or killed at 18 years old so that you can be in style. The saddest part is that if they cannot be sold to a factory, most parents in desperation accept the idea of their child in a brothel where they will be tricked out until death.
While corporations continue to rape and pillage the environment to the point cancer is increasing, and more adults and children throughout the day need respirators or inhalers to simply go outside.
I sit in a pew on Sunday morning, look out the stain glass to the world that God created and turned over to our care…I feel like a teenager whose parents went away for the weekend and like a bad sitcom now needs to scramble to clean up before mum and dad come home. My party, NDP, does not have all the answers, and through Amnesty I may not be able to free every prisoner of conscience or stop every atrocity; but I’d rather make the attempt because for me is does not come down to What Would Jesus Do? Rather, it is about WHERE WOULD JESUS BE?
Hoody in AB

Monday, September 05, 2005

Hoody sent this to me today from the Daily Office and it was just a good prayer to share being we live in a world of strife. - SCW in AZ

God, the author of peace and lover of concord, to know you is eternal life and to serve you is perfect freedom: Defend us, your humble servants, in all assaults of our enemies; that we, surely trusting in your defense, may not fear the power of any adversaries; through the might of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

National Treasure and the Parable of the Hidden Treasure

I got to see National Treasure this weekend which was pretty entertaining. The gist of the story: the main character, Gates, is searching for this great treasure who’s secret has been passed down from generation to generation in his family. While looking for this treasure he discovers that part of the clue to where it is hidden is on the back of the Declaration of Independence. Gates gives up everything and will do anything to find this treasure despite that others are telling him it's a myth.

As I was watching it, it reminded me of the parables of the hidden treasure and the pearl in Matthew 13:44-46. “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” (NIV)

Because of the great sacrifice of Christ we have a great, priceless treasure. Peter describes it perfectly in 1 Peter 1:3-5 “Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! God has given us a new birth because of his great mercy. We have been born into a new life that has a confidence which is alive because Jesus Christ has come back to life. 4 We have been born into a new life which has an inheritance that can't be destroyed or corrupted and can't fade away. That inheritance is kept in heaven for you, 5 since you are guarded by God's power through faith for a salvation that is ready to be revealed at the end of time.” (Good News)

Another thing that stood out in the movie was because of Gates’ passion and deep belief in this treasure people around him began to also believe in it. As Christians, can someone look at our life and realize we’re different. Does our passion and belief in Jesus reflect in our lives so strongly that it causes those around us to believe in Him?

2 Corinthians 5:17 Whoever is a believer in Christ is a new creation. The old way of living has disappeared. A new way of living has come into existence.” (Good News)

John 13:34-35 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." (NIV)

Good Biblical truths to consider all inspired by a movie. ;D Be Blessed! SCW in AZ

Okay toot my own church's horn a bit. Click on:, it will take you to the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund page of the Anglican Church of Canada, the entire infrastructure for this organization falls under the church, so all donations for relief efforts (i.e. 100% of your donation) go to the people in need. The latest addition is Hurricane Katrina Relief.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Children's Lesson Sept. 4 matthew 18:21-35
Ahh what to do when a brother or sister in the church sins against you? or as I talked to the kids, how to deal with a Bully as a Christian?
Asked what do bullies do to us?
What can you do to stop a bully?
Who should you talk to or seek help from?
Why do we seek help with a bully? Is it to get them in trouble? no as a Christian it is to help them grow and learn what love is.

Friday, September 02, 2005

The inteconnectedness of Alberta Celebrates, New Orleans is in desperate need. Please lift this crisis up in your prayers, thoughts and meditations. The world is moving in to help, but close to five days without food and water has taken its toll on the people.
Violence is increasing, please pray for peace and that people will help one another to make it through this. Pray for those performing search and rescue, emergency aid, beyond triage aid and all of God's Servants who are trying to help.
Please pray for an end to the explosions as the oil derricks and chemical plants go off.
And most importantly at this time pray for an end to the partisan politic rhetoric and to quote the head of the Canadian Army, "this is not about politics, ideology or wars overseas, this is about people hurting and dying and they need medicine, food and water. We are going to help."
to help from Canada:
To help in America:

Other sites to add to the list:
The Salvation Army -
World Vision -

Even has teamed up with the American Red Cross so there are plenty of opportunties to help. - scw in az

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Franciscan Simplicity
What does perfect Joy mean, in Michael Meeghan’s All Will be Well he introduces us to a saint, Paul, a wonderful man that serves in prisons in Africa, caring for the children.
saint Paul passed away from Alzheimer’s disease, his only comment about the disease ravaging his mind was “It is wonderful Michael, I can read my favourite books, and by the time I reach the end I have forgotten so I can read it again. Every day I rediscover everything again.”
What is perfect Joy?
How does this tie into simplicity? saint Paul passed away and when they packed up his possessions it filled a pillowcase, and there was till room for a pillow (chuckle).
And as you reflect on that thought, here is another to pray about:

It may only be a drop in the ocean, but it is my drop.

Chapter 2: Simplicity-Read the Chapter

Because the had nothing, they feared in no way to lose anything-Thomas of Celano

This is a beautiful quote to open a chapter on Franciscan Simplicity with (Celano wrote an amazing trilogy on Francis, one day I will read it all).

p.17/18-Br. John brings a beautiful image to the Gospel teaching of where to store up gifts, in heaven rather than on earth. The idea of pruning away the clutter of our lives. I would like to explore this. It is not simply pruning the material (although that is the easiest and most tangible area to start with).Pruning for simplicity is a heart moment diving deeply within yourself as you commune with God, think of the Lord’s Prayer: Forgive me my sins as I forgive those who sin against me…Simplicity is a release of that which holds you back from truly embracing the Lord.
I held on to much pain and anguish, and refusal to budge…once released my ministry blossomed. It is the trap of sharing testimonies, never let sharing your testimony trap you into thinking you are still that person…God has pruned you so you can blossom.

p.18 I cannot remember what epistle it’s found in, but I love the quote from St. Paul, The love of money is the root of evil…We often misquote and say money, no money is a tool in life, but where do you put your love? Spend time and share your examinations honestly, we are not here to judge you, but honestly take stock of where you spend your money and it will tell you what you value.

p.19- I love the condemnation of the clergy, we are all ministers of the Lord (yes it’s the Anglican in me showing through) called to different services…what are the trap falls that can destroy our ministry? As the greed of the clergy led to the reformation and then splits, etc…

p.20 is simplicity the garden from which all other virtues of God grow out of us? (share your thoughts on this)

Examine and reflect on the Francis quote about possessions and violence. Agree? Disagree? Why?

p.22 There are many calls within the church to return to the Church of Acts, this quote from the book “and all had all things in common” do we truly understand what it means to live co-operatively and collectively as the church in Acts did? Is that truly what you want?

Jesus quote about becoming like little children. How do you think this ties into the virtue of simplicity.

p.23 What does it mean to you to practice equality in savage disparity? In our roles in youth ministry what are ways we can equip our youth for this?

p.25 the list of explanations of needs and wants—how would this shake the core of you and your youth? (not the mask the youth wear, but who they actually are) could you teach it? Is it biblical?

p.29 the discussion of the habit and the quote from Francis…what is a modern habit?

p.29-35 there is a practical guide to simplicity. Is it plausible? Could you use it? What scriptures back it up?

p.31-34 answer the questions, share if you like, but more importantly what did you learn about yourself. What did you learn about what God is putting on your heart?

Find a good concordance online, back of the bible or in the Library, look up money, simplicity and poverty—overwhelming isn’t it how much the Bible talks about sharing our blessings—Jesus the Socialist.

A final question for reflection: By taking the road of simplicity, what would be some reactions in the world around you?

Happy 100th Alberta!!
Ahh the shared B-Day it is also Saskatchewan's 100th Birthday.Anyone ever seen the Toyota commercial about Albertans on the Prairies with the back ground song being "Tub Thumper" by Chumbawumba (if I get knocked down...)That describes my province to a tee, we boomed with oil in 1982 we busted so bad people literally just walked away from their houses...and now we're booming again (okay like 20% of the population is rich now as it is a false boom).But there is a spirit in Alberta that is undescribeable, of comraderie, and yes even the big cities (if you ignore the Gang War currently raging in Calgary) come off like small town socials...And where else can you live and have forest, flat prairie plains and mountains.And let's not forget Chinooks! Ah God's blessing on a prairie winter!

Hurricane Katrina leaves 1000's dead in her wake. It is amazing watching the church's response to this (yes Franciscans are among the ones on the ground sharing and helping and loving those in need, wonderful stories out of the OEF at this time).
One group of wingnuts have declared that the hurricane was God's judgement on New Orleans for a planned Gay Pride Parade...sigh...thankfully that is not the majority of the church's response from the Sally Anne to the Catholics to the Methodists and everyone in between we are in prayer and on the ground--doing as Christ commanded-Love one another as I have loved you (John 15:12).
Side Note: The first country to step up to help the U.S. in this time of need is Canada's Health Agency (yes we are shipping medical supplies that are already tight to help out) and our much beleagured Military and Relief NGO's are prepping to ship out to help the victims in New Orleans, to rebuild water pumps and hospitals and needed infrastructure and provide emergency medical care.
The prayers of Canada are with the U.S. at this time! Go to to donate to help New Orleans Flood Victims.
-Hoody in AB