Thursday, September 01, 2005

Happy 100th Alberta!!
Ahh the shared B-Day it is also Saskatchewan's 100th Birthday.Anyone ever seen the Toyota commercial about Albertans on the Prairies with the back ground song being "Tub Thumper" by Chumbawumba (if I get knocked down...)That describes my province to a tee, we boomed with oil in 1982 we busted so bad people literally just walked away from their houses...and now we're booming again (okay like 20% of the population is rich now as it is a false boom).But there is a spirit in Alberta that is undescribeable, of comraderie, and yes even the big cities (if you ignore the Gang War currently raging in Calgary) come off like small town socials...And where else can you live and have forest, flat prairie plains and mountains.And let's not forget Chinooks! Ah God's blessing on a prairie winter!


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