Thursday, September 01, 2005

Franciscan Simplicity
What does perfect Joy mean, in Michael Meeghan’s All Will be Well he introduces us to a saint, Paul, a wonderful man that serves in prisons in Africa, caring for the children.
saint Paul passed away from Alzheimer’s disease, his only comment about the disease ravaging his mind was “It is wonderful Michael, I can read my favourite books, and by the time I reach the end I have forgotten so I can read it again. Every day I rediscover everything again.”
What is perfect Joy?
How does this tie into simplicity? saint Paul passed away and when they packed up his possessions it filled a pillowcase, and there was till room for a pillow (chuckle).
And as you reflect on that thought, here is another to pray about:

It may only be a drop in the ocean, but it is my drop.

Chapter 2: Simplicity-Read the Chapter

Because the had nothing, they feared in no way to lose anything-Thomas of Celano

This is a beautiful quote to open a chapter on Franciscan Simplicity with (Celano wrote an amazing trilogy on Francis, one day I will read it all).

p.17/18-Br. John brings a beautiful image to the Gospel teaching of where to store up gifts, in heaven rather than on earth. The idea of pruning away the clutter of our lives. I would like to explore this. It is not simply pruning the material (although that is the easiest and most tangible area to start with).Pruning for simplicity is a heart moment diving deeply within yourself as you commune with God, think of the Lord’s Prayer: Forgive me my sins as I forgive those who sin against me…Simplicity is a release of that which holds you back from truly embracing the Lord.
I held on to much pain and anguish, and refusal to budge…once released my ministry blossomed. It is the trap of sharing testimonies, never let sharing your testimony trap you into thinking you are still that person…God has pruned you so you can blossom.

p.18 I cannot remember what epistle it’s found in, but I love the quote from St. Paul, The love of money is the root of evil…We often misquote and say money, no money is a tool in life, but where do you put your love? Spend time and share your examinations honestly, we are not here to judge you, but honestly take stock of where you spend your money and it will tell you what you value.

p.19- I love the condemnation of the clergy, we are all ministers of the Lord (yes it’s the Anglican in me showing through) called to different services…what are the trap falls that can destroy our ministry? As the greed of the clergy led to the reformation and then splits, etc…

p.20 is simplicity the garden from which all other virtues of God grow out of us? (share your thoughts on this)

Examine and reflect on the Francis quote about possessions and violence. Agree? Disagree? Why?

p.22 There are many calls within the church to return to the Church of Acts, this quote from the book “and all had all things in common” do we truly understand what it means to live co-operatively and collectively as the church in Acts did? Is that truly what you want?

Jesus quote about becoming like little children. How do you think this ties into the virtue of simplicity.

p.23 What does it mean to you to practice equality in savage disparity? In our roles in youth ministry what are ways we can equip our youth for this?

p.25 the list of explanations of needs and wants—how would this shake the core of you and your youth? (not the mask the youth wear, but who they actually are) could you teach it? Is it biblical?

p.29 the discussion of the habit and the quote from Francis…what is a modern habit?

p.29-35 there is a practical guide to simplicity. Is it plausible? Could you use it? What scriptures back it up?

p.31-34 answer the questions, share if you like, but more importantly what did you learn about yourself. What did you learn about what God is putting on your heart?

Find a good concordance online, back of the bible or in the Library, look up money, simplicity and poverty—overwhelming isn’t it how much the Bible talks about sharing our blessings—Jesus the Socialist.

A final question for reflection: By taking the road of simplicity, what would be some reactions in the world around you?


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