Wednesday, August 17, 2005

My Rule of Life:
Is to recognize a Triune Faith and the diversity of the Body and the miracles that it can lead to. Through prayer (in the form of the Word, Meditation, and vocal) to discern where I am Meant to serve and by my service show the Love of Christ in my community, whatever forms it is meant to take in the Call of the Holy Spirit.
My lifetime ministry will be centred on God's calling (through prayer); Christ's Revelation (In scripture) and the Holy Spirit's empowerment (through Baptism).
1. Participate in the Eucharist every Sunday and on feast days.
2. Practice daily self-examination at night during my evening office and to practice reconciliation with a mentor once a year.
3. Personal Prayer inlcuding meditation, intercession, thanksgiving, song, and possibly, dance. I will spend time daily in prayer for fellow travellers on the path, our politcal and spiritual leaders, for those still seeking to know unconditional Love, and those too scared to accept it. I will spend time just listening to God, and his creation to know where I am meant to be and how to serve.
4. Self-Denial to I am called to know, and show empathy, for the brokeness of the world and its materialism, but not to indugle deeply in the gluttony of wants that have become needs in Canada. To share what God has blessed me with in service to those less fortunate whether it is spiritually or economically. As well as a voice for the voiceless in work for human rights and the relief of suffering. I will endeavour to a non-violent life.
5. I will take a silent retreat annually, and a weekly Sabbath.
6. Daily Bible study and meditation, through Franciscan formation materials, as well as the Daily Office.
7. Live Simplicity through choosing to live simply, eliminating excessive possessions, answering the call for need when it is made, not envying or competing with my neighbour, and sharing the blessings God has poured out on me with those who do not have as much.
8. Work: I will practice Christian values in the workplace.
9. My Obedience is to follow Christ, in particular through my vows to the TSSF through daily prayer, community obedience and intercessions for the Order. The Daily Office of Morning and Evening Prayer; meeting with my Spiritual Director; yearly renewal of pledge, monthly reporting to my formation counsellor; financial donations to the Order; and meeting with fellow travellers whenever possible.
Three scriptures I centre my service around, knowing that I am saved by Grace, but must respond are:James 2:18 (NASB) But someone may well say, "You have faith and I have works; show me your faith without the works and I will show you my faith by my works."Matthew 22:39 (NASB) "You shall love your neighbour as yourself";and the great commandment to Love God that came before it.(Matthew 22:34-40)
The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37)

-Hoody In AB


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, memory is a bit fuzzy today so let's see if I can pull this from the memory banks. (lol) A few months ago I was listening to James MacDonld with Walk in the Word to a series on Holiness. He talked about what I basically would call spiritual maintance (a life lesson God gave me I'll have to blog later) which his point was we need to get with God now and work out our convictions for life so we stand firm in what we believe when our faith is tested. And he suggested to write them out and post them some where you would see them daily. Hoody's "Rule of Life" reminds me of that.

2:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very true, SCW, and it was quite the tumultous time when I wrote life like David if you will (or a Job moment?)

4:15 PM  

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