Saturday, July 30, 2005

And now for something completely different:
The Ludicrous Adventures of
Hoody Man and SuperComputerWoman
Part One of One:
A Nefarious Epilogue of a Grand Adventure

The buzz of the alarm is exacerbating—I mean really who invented those stupid things with the infernal “beep beep” in twelve degrees of repressed-rejected Star Wars sound effects, now before the fabled reader thinks this is Hoody Man or SuperComputerWoman (SCW) complaining, alas dear friend, no…this is the erstwhile narrator who dislikes awakening suddenly, but unlike SCW is much a morning person (due to the fact of copious amounts of caffeine and if one needs to be awake, they might as while smile, baffles the outside world).
You see a narrator is needed to try and keep the facts straight as they are seen by the impartial third party, think of me as Stan Lee and his infamous Bullpen from the 1960’s era of Marvel Comics (`Nuff said, to complete the copyright theft lol).
Ahhh the sun is rising in Herovilla (one of those fun Tran warp thingies off of Star Trek and the ilk, that allows both Hoody Man and SuperComputerWoman to exist within our reality, but not really—man you readers really need to be enlightened and read comics, I am getting tired explaining everything).


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